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SAE J1950-2016

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SAE J1950-2016標準介紹

SAE J1950 在試驗場上的車輛腐蝕試驗

The facilities used by domestic automotive manufacturers to provide accelerated corrosion aging of complete vehicles are described in general. The types of vehicles tested, general test methodology, and techniques used to determine test-to-field correlation are discussed. The different procedures used throughout the industry produce different results on various vehicle coatings, components, and systems. The key to successful interpretation of test results is a thorough understanding of the corrosion mechanisms involved and the effects of test limitations on these mechanisms. The purpose of this information report is to provide a general overview of some proving ground procedures and facilities used in the United States to evaluate the corrosion protection performance of vehicles. Because of limitations involved with any accelerated testing procedure, and despite the use of complete vehicles and attempts to make test environments all-inclusive, test results require knowledgeable interpretation. Proving grounds are, in effect, large laboratories. As with different laboratory test procedures, different test techniques will produce different results. Consideration of the various techniques and analysis tools discussed in the following sections may give the reader an understanding of the environments that vehicles must be designed to survive and may aid in the further development of accelerated corrosion tests.


溫馨提醒:本SAE J1950-2016可能存在更新的版本,建議尋找SAE J1950-2016的發(fā)行商確認。